
Bosnia has excellent wind power potential

Bosnia has excellent resources for using the wind power and it is one of its chances to attract foreign investments, generate jobs and increase its GDP.

These were some of the messages heard at today's presentation at the German embassy in Sarajevo, during which the ambassador of Germany to Bosnia - Joachim Schmidt - awarded the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina the electronic wind map.

As the ambassador Schmidt said, it is a document based on meteorological data collected during 30 years, which allows assessment of the wind situation for each area of Bosnia.

Ambassador Schmidt has further stated that the total wind energy potential in Bosnia is about 2000 MW, but it is considered that around 900 MW could be utilized.

It was also announced that the study showing how the possibilities of connecting proposed wind mill parks to existing electric grid, roads and other infrastructure will be presented by the end of the year.

"Bosnia has excellent resources. Use the resources that are available" - said Dr. Sander, an international expert in wind energy.

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