
Presentation of the Bosnian auto cluster in Duisburg, Germany

Recently the Organization of Industrial and Economic Chamber (IHK) of Duisburg, organized a workshop on the topic of “(Still) Undiscovered Markets in Souteast Europe”.

The emphasis, was placed at the automobile industry in Southeast Europe. Representatives of German commercial branch offices in Bosnia presented macroeconomic state in the country while representatives of Bosnian Auto cluster pointed to the potentials of these state in the accompanying automobile industry. Although global crisis in Germany still causes certain worries - the predicted economic growth for this year should be -5.0%, the interest for this region was still very good.

It should be emphasized that representative of Autocluster BiH and coordinator of Network Autoclusters SEE, in which clusters from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia are included, had a very positive meeting with a representative of newly formed NEW (North Rhine and Westphalia). This cluster is developed on similar basis as Network of Autoclusters SEE, because it encompasses 8 independent and functioning automobile clusters from this German province. The meeting has shown that there are similarities in concept of development and enough meeting points for future possible joint activities.

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